


The Management of GREENIGEN Ltd. has established, maintains and continuously improves its Quality Management System meeting the requirements of standards ISO 9001:2015 and API Spec.Q1 (9th Edition), with the following objectives:

Customer satisfaction

  • The primary objective is to reach as high customer satisfaction as possible by serving the Customer with the widest possible range of products and services and by the perfect fulfillment of the individual and general requirements.

Quality Management System and Product Quality

  • All products of our company should meet the requirements of the Customer and of all relevant standards, regulations and individual specifications.
  • The employees participating in the processes of the Quality Management System should perform their activities by using their best knowledge, in a way that ensures the complete fulfillment of all requirements.
  • If during the operation of the process individual or system defects are discovered, every employee shall report such defects to the Chief Engineer, and shall immediately execute all necessary corrective and preventive measures.
  • It is obligatory that up-to-date requirements are maintained continuously by the top Management towards the managers of the specialized fields, and by the managers of the specialized fields towards the employees working under them in the following fields:
  • Proper knowledge and execution of the Quality Management Processes performed by them.
  • Providing for and requiring that the procedures, instructions, documents and records necessary for executing the processes are available at the place of work.
  • Ensure in their specialized fields all the resources necessary for meeting the requirements.
  • Assess any non-conformity in their specialized field and first execute, then check the proper corrective and preventive actions.

Suppliers’ network

  • A precondition to the proper operation of the system is the proper qualification, assessment and continuous development of the network of suppliers

Continuous development

The continuous development of the system’s effectiveness will be ensured by the following activities:

  • We will continuously monitor the operation of the system elements and of the processes and the results will be analyzed (audited).
  • The results of the monitoring and analysis will be assessed during a Management Review where we will also decide on the necessary corrective and preventive actions and on the trends of development.
  • If it is possible, statistical methods will be used during the analysis of the results.


  • A procedure includes the minimum training and experience requirements for every employee taking part in the operation of the Quality Management System, but the Management has the additional objective of maintaining continuous retraining and an up-to-date, modern knowledge.

Providing resources

  • The economic and technical Management of the company – taking into consideration the above-mentioned principles – shall provide all financial, material and personal resources necessary to achieve the objectives.

Quality Objectives

  • The details of the Quality Objectives are given in paragraph 5.4.1.

The proper operation and development of the Quality Management System and the observance of all stipulated requirements is obligatory to all employees of the Company.

In our opinion the only sure way to increase the competitiveness of GREENIGEN Ltd. and to become more successful in the market is the continuous improvement of Quality Management and particularly of the quality of the products and the satisfaction of the Customers.

Budapest, October, 2023

Ferenc Viola

Managing Director