Corporate Social Responsibility
While Corporate Social Responsibility may once have been viewed as a public-relations trick, it is fast becoming a strategic business imperative. In the past 30 years CSR has grown from a charitable notion to a strategic necessity. Following other industries in the past decades a lot of companies in the manufacturing sector became active in CSR by now.
We, at GREENIGEN Ltd. firmly believe that innovative manufacturers can establish themselves as leaders in their market.
All the employees of GREENIGEN Ltd. are committed to contributing to sustainable development by acting responsibly on the environmental, safety, health and social impact of our activities as part of day-to-day business.
It is our approach that we go further on the first two facets of the CSR pyramid: the legal and economic considerations. Obeying the law and regulations plus generating profit to owners and shareholders and thus creating increasing number of jobs in the community can be considered as basic, minimum requirements.
Beyond these considerations companies have to be ethical and philanthropic. Responsible corporations are expected to promote welfare and spread goodwill.
While CSR is mostly related to large corporations, small and midsize businesses can also benefit from socially responsible practices. Implementing socially responsible business practices should be a given for small-business owners. One way for small businesses to compete against big multinationals is to be valuable community members. Giving back to communities and actively participating in civic activities helps a company get in good with the public it serves.
One of the advantages small and mid-size organizations often have is the fact that customers are also a core stakeholder. Public companies have to meet profit expectations of shareholders and try to maintain responsible balances. A small business can be open and honest in its policies and marketing efforts without pressure from stockholders. Similarly, small businesses commonly try to maintain a family-like culture with employees. In our case this leads to greater loyalty, less turnover and better collective knowledge. A strong culture driven by committed employees is a huge benefit. This requires a trusting environment where management is open. We are GREENIGEN Ltd. is a good example of this.
During the 30-odd years of our company’s operations we were involved in various CSR related activities which we believe meant many building stones of various sizes towards creating a responsible society around us and strengthening sustainable development.